SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型 フルボックス スマホケース
(税込) 送料込み
INNOVATION 2019 Protects the smartphone’s battery and maintains it at the right operating temperature up to -20°C/-4°F thanks to its built-in heating pad.
Everything is there ! 3 different handlebar mounts are supplied with the SO EASY RIDER cover, which is universal, accepting all smartphone sizes.
Main use: During the winter, smartphones are often exposed to very low outdoor temperatures.
In some extreme cases, the smartphone can no longer operate and displays a message asking the user to warm up his device to continue to use it.
The cold create a disruption of the properties of lithium and processors contained in the battery of the smartphone.
The battery wears out quickly and can cause irreparable damage to the phone.
WARM UP allows the battery to maintain the perfect operating temperature and preserve the phone’s life.
The user can choose 3 levels of outdoor temperature.
Use at 0°C, -10°C and -20°C.
(32°F, 14°F and -4°F).
The device will adapt his internal temperature in consequence and evacuate the exceed of hot air thanks to an air vent in the back of the case.
SO EASY RIDER WARM UP is permanently connected to the supplied USB charger.
The installation is done in just a few minutes.
100% of the handlebars are compatible with SO EASY RIDER.
The new mount, the ARKON USA T-Slot System is part of our 2019 range.
A robust system very easy to use everyday.
Good to know : The entire SO EASY RIDER range is compatible with RAM MOUNT products.
備考: 汎用
17512円SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型 フルボックス スマホケース車載用ホルダー・スタンドWebike | SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型Webike | SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型
Webike | SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型
Webike | SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型
Webike | SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型
Webike | SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型
Webike | SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型
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Webike | SO EASY RIDER ソーイージーライダー ウォームアップ 横型
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